Magic attributes and methods

Magic attributes and methods

Builtin class attributes:

  • __name__

  • __doc__

  • __module__

  • __dict__

  • __class__

class A:
    "Our great class" 
    x = 1 

Magic methods


  • __init__

    • Initializing instance

  • __new__

    • Instance constructor

  • __repr__

    • Representation of an object

  • __str__

    • String representation

  • __del__

    • Deletion of object(called when del used and count to obj is 0)

Instance constructor


  • First method for creating new object

  • It is static method

  • Invoked before __init__(), need to return object

  • Works with cls (class object, as instance is not created yet)

  • Old style class don't have this method!

def __new__(cls):
    return super().__new__(cls)

Instance initializer


  • It is not a constructor (there is __new__() for that)

  • __init__() takes an already created object and fills required attributes according to declared logic first arg is self

  • Doesn't return anything (it returns None), just assigning attributes to an object.

def __init__(self, name): = name



  • String representation – for humans

  • Used when str(obj) or print(obj)


  • Representation for "machines"

  • Ideal case: eval(repr(obj)) --> obj

  • Used when calling repr(obj) or just obj in Python session




  • Called by hashed collections:

    • set

    • frozenset

    • dict

  • In simplest case as for instances it is based on id(self) so all objects are different



__bases__ (attribute)

  • Tuple (possibly empty or a singleton) containing the base classes, in the order of their occurrence in the base class list

class A: pass



__doc__ (attribute)

  • Class’s documentation string, or None if undefined.



__module__ (attribute)

  • Module name in which the class is defined. This attribute is "__main__" in interactive mode.


Boolean value

__bool__(self) (__nonzero__ for Python 2)

  • Used when bool(obj)

  • By default - True



__eq__(self, other)

  • Return True if objects are equal

__gt__(self, other)

  • Return True if self > other

Other methods:

  • __ne__(self, other) # !=

  • __ge__(self, other) # >=

  • __lt__(self, other) # <

  • __le__(self, other) # <=

It is really a pain to fill all of those!

Battery: functools.total_ordering

import functools

class Something:
    value = 1
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.value == other.value
    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.value > other.value
b1 = Something()
b1.value = 5
b2 = Something()
print(b1 >= b2)
print(b1 <= b2)

Iterator protocol


  • Returns iterator for given object (or self if it is iterator)

__next__(self) (next(self) for Python 2.x)

  • Return next value for iterator-like object


Object can be callable (function-like object).

__call__(self, *args)

This is very useful to call the method which used very often.

Slots and __dict__

All instance's attributes are hold in __dict__ attribute which is a dictionary with keys as names bound to the instance.

class C:
    a = 1

c = C()
c.b = 2

__slots__ is a list with instance attributes that can be assigned

This is needed to suppress automatic creation of __dict__ - this can be useful when we have a lot of simple objects and their dictionaries are taking too much space. Also slots are limiting attributes that can be assigned to an object.

class D:
    __slots__ = ("a", )

d = D()
print(hasattr(d, "__dict__"))
d.a = 5  # OK
    d.b = 5
except AttributeError:
    print("We can't access attribute b as it is not listed in __slots__")

__slots__ are meaninless when the class is inherited from the one which doesn't have __slots__.

Last updated

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